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September 19, 2022. Will the war also be transferred to space? 

 Russia is not excluded from destroying the system; they want to give internet via satellites to everyone.

Konstantin Vorontsov, an official of the Russian Foreign Ministry and head of the Russian delegation to the UN.

During a meeting of a working group in Geneva, Vorontsov, according to a translation of his words released by the UN, said, "the indirect involvement in military operations of semi-civilian infrastructure whether or not those who control that infrastructure realize it can become legitimate targets of retaliation.
Vladimir Putin pressing the Nuclear war button
This provocative use of civilian satellites goes against the Outer Space Treaty, which speaks of the exclusively peaceful use of outer space, and the international community must condemn this use."
What bothers Russia is Elon Musk's American Starlink fleet of satellites, which has made some of these satellites available to the Ukrainian government so that Ukraine can be informed of Russian movements and appropriately target strikes against Russian forces invading Ukraine.

These satellites have played a critical role in organizing Ukraine's defenses and, subsequently, in whatever successes the Ukrainian military has in the field.

According to indications, about 15 thousand antennas receive Starlink satellites' signals in Ukraine and about 150 thousand active users.

Will we soon have Internet outages and war in space?

We read this for the first time: Space. 

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