Braking news: Russia grew by 18%

Vladimir Putin targets a sacred animal with a special air gun and anesthetic dart somewhere in the virgin forests of Siberia.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022. The first year of the start of World War 3. Area of ​​War: Eastern Europe.

A while ago, 

Russian media reported that the Russian president signed the annexation of the territories of Ukraine after the decision of the upper and lower houses of Russia.

Tomorrow October 5, 2022, these lands will be in Russia.

Tomorrow will be the first time Russia has been bombed on its soil since Operation Barbarossa began on June 22, 1941.

map of German army invention to Soviet Union and Russia 1941

Then Russia will be able to invoke the treaty of defense and solidarity of the defense alliance it belongs to and ask for the help of other states such as Belarus.

We are living in historic times.

Update October 5, 2022

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has just signed a relevant law on the admission of the DNR, LNR, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson provinces to Russia (directions on ratifying accession treaties and federal constitutional laws on admission as subjects of the Federation).

Here is the certified map published by the Ria Novosti agency:

Areas of Eastern Ukraine, where large populations of Russia live with Russian language but also Russian children and consciousness.
Billy Kasis Blog writer 2022.

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