Pious Desires: The West Wants Not Only To Defeat Russia But Humiliate It!

An Orthodox priest consecrates Russian warplanes with holy water before they go into battle.

Thursday, December 29, 2022, the second year of the 3rd World WarMain picture: An Orthodox priest consecrates Russian warplanes with holy water before they go into battle.

US military analysts say the US could strike Russia "in the event of an escalation." The analysis examines three steps of a possible escalation:

 A Russian attack on a NATO member state, the reaction of conditions, and Moscow's response.

 One of the options envisages a limited strike on Russian territory. 

Another is a civilian response to the Russian Federation'sFederation's "overt aggression."

The ace up Russia'sRussia's sleeve! The new secret weapon that fighter jets will "wear."

This is stated in a report published by the RAND organization, which works with the Pentagon. The report said Washington intends to "punish and contain" the Russian Federation. 

While the US calls for talks with Moscow, it intends to "escalate the conflict."

At the same time, in case of escalation, the United States is considering a limited blow! Both on the territory of Russia and in the regions recently annexed to the state. 

RAND analysts call one possible response to Russian aggression "a civilian strike, including through propaganda and other non-mobile means."

Three possible acts of such a confrontation

 1. For a possible US strike designed to show NATO allies that the fifth article of the alliance charter is working (to protect all NATO forces when attacking one of the members), Russia must first attack a US ally.

2. The second act is Washington's response in the form of a strike.

3. And the third is Russia's response to the US attack.

The analysis says that Russian aggression against a NATO member can be considered an attack on a military or civilian target and military or civilian casualties caused by this attack. In this case, the hit must be intentional.

NATO 1990

Essential factors for a possible US strike on Russia will also be the number of casualties and targets struck, their importance to the alliance'salliance's combat capability, and the political significance of a potential destroyed target.

Among the examples of a hypothetical Russian attack on a NATO member, the following scenarios are given:

Missile attack on a weapons depot in Poland, destruction of an American reconnaissance satellite, Russian missile attacks on air bases in Poland and Romania, through which aid is sent to Ukraine (with casualties), coordinated strikes by the RF Armed Forces on six major seaports and air bases (including Ramstein and Rotterdam bases).

The position of Moscow

On May 9, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow had launched a special military operation in Ukraine due to NATO's aggressive plans.

"NATO countries did not want to listen to us. They had completely different plans; they were preparing an attack on Crimea, and the alliance started the military development of our neighboring territories. Everything indicated that a conflict with neo-Nazis would be inevitable. So Russia gave a pre-emptive rebuff to aggression; it was the only right decision," Putin said during the Victory Parade.

The theory of aggressive realism was confirmed in a recent Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speech. The Russian minister described the "victory over Russia on the battlefield" as a strategic goal of the US and its NATO allies, for which they are ready to do much.

He believes that it is crucial for the United States not only to win (one way or another) this war but also to destroy the "adversary" forever (or at least from a long historical perspective), subjecting it to severe humiliation. "All these references to reparations, international courts, and public repentance are happening for a reason. In this way, the US wants to eliminate the threat to (one of) its hegemony for years to come," he said.

The neighbors are afraid.

In August 2022, the Washington Post reported that countries on NATO's eastern flank asked the United States to speed up their weapons supply. They also considered it necessary to expand the American military presence in the region.

At the same time, the leaders of the countries bordering Russia believe that. So in the long term, the alliance must become more aggressive: " expanding the American presence in Europe is necessary to keep Moscow at bay," they say.

Even more critical, Baltic and Eastern European officials say, is speeding up defense production lines to expedite long-standing orders for weapons they say these frontline countries are needed.


They believe they have protection as a nation of God (Christ in particular) in Russia.

Nevertheless, to examine if these perceptions have any realistic basis.

The Fall of Constantinople was the conquest of that Roman city by the Ottoman Empire under the command of Sultan Mehmet II on Tuesday, May 29, 1453

This event marked the final destruction of the Eastern Roman ("Byzantine") Empire and the death of the last Roman Emperor, Constantine XI.

You will find detailed bibliography and reliable references at the end of the article.

The Greeks until then Constantinople after the refusal of the Pope of Rome (1) to unite the two churches into one Catholic (after the schism) (2)

So shortly before the fall and occupation of Constantinople (1453), the Priesthood of Constantinople went to the Country that they Christianized and helped mainly culturally and not only the RUSSIANS (now known as Russia, with the original capital of Kyiv).

The Priests took all the Holy texts, symbols, and much Gold.

HITLER Poland September 1939

Operation Barbarossa, original name Operation Fritz, during World War II.

The code name for the German invasion of the Soviet Union was launched on June 22, 1941.

 The failure of German troops to defeat Soviet forces in the campaign signaled a crucial turning point in the war. In the pic, Hitler saluted German NAZI troops on the Poland border on September 1, 1939.

So from then on, the symbol of Russia, as well as the temporary seat of Orthodoxy (until their return to the city that gave birth to them, Constantinople) became Saint George impaling the Dragon with his pole (which Country - and Priesthood - has as a symbol the Dragon) ;

Saint George impaling the Dragon with his pole

Saint George (Greek: Γεώργιος (Geórgios), Latin: Georgius, Arabic: القديس جرجس; died April 23, 303), also George of Lydda, was a Christian who is venerated as a saint in Christianity. According to tradition, he was a soldier in the Roman army. 

Saint George was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origin and a member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith.

 He became one of the most venerated saints and regal martyrs in Christianity, and he has been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades.

 He is respected by Christians, Druze, and some Muslims as a martyr of the monotheistic faith.

Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation

Also, They adopt a double-headed eagle lying to the East and the West holding the cross and the earth.

Since then, Russia has lost many battles and endured challenging times up to banning the Christian religion but never lost a war.

In the cosmic balance, each side influences and actions and reacts with the twin opposite.

Order emerges out of chaos as a perpetual movement in a crisis of time as people are tested in this life, both as entities and souls and as collective consciousnesses and responsibilities. 

Everything is recorded, and everything is lost in eternal oblivion.

-If Russia did not exist, we would have to invent it.

The critical period was from 1400 until 1918.

The History of Russia from 1400, the controversial period we analyzed above, until 1918.

The history of Russia from 1400 until 1918 is complex and varied, with the Country undergoing significant political, economic, and cultural changes over the centuries.

Russia was a decentralized state of several principalities and city-states in the late medieval period.

  The Mongols, who had conquered much of Russia in the 13th century, continued to rule over the region until the late 14th century, when the principality of Moscow emerged as the dominant power. 

Ivan III of Russia

Ivan III, who ruled Moscow from 1462 to 1505, is often considered the first true Tsar of Russia. He married a Greek-Byzantine princess, adopted the "Tsar" title derived from the Roman "Caesar," and began centralizing power in Moscow.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Russia expanded and consolidated its power. 

Ivan the Terrible, who ruled from 1533 to 1584, extended Russian control over much of the territory that is now modern Russia and also established a system of feudalism that would remain in place for centuries.

J.-M. Nattier (d'après) - Portrait de Pierre Ier (musée de l’Ermitage)

J.-M. Nattier (d'après) - Portrait de Pierre Ier (musée de l’Ermitage)

 Peter the Great, who ruled from 1682 to 1725, modernized and westernized Russia, building a solid navy and establishing the city of St. Petersburg as the capital.

In the 19th century, Russia underwent significant economic and political change.

 Industrialization and the abolition of serfdom in 1861 led to the growth of a large urban working class and a more modern and industrialized economy. 

Russian Revolution of 1917

Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), July 4, 1917, 2PM. Street demonstration on Nevsky Prospekt just after Provisional Government troops opened fire with machine guns.

The Russian Revolution of 1917, led by the Bolshevik Party under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the Tsarist government and established the Soviet Union. This communist state would rule Russia until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

1. The Schism of 1054, or Schism of the two Churches, is the division and disintegration of society between the Western and Eastern Christian Churches when they were led by Pope Leo IX and Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cirularius, following the mutual anathemas that were unleashed in July of 1054. Although it appears to have arisen suddenly, it formalized an already pre-existing situation as, over the years, Eastern and Western Christianity formed different traditions. However, they evolved in parallel as the gap between them widened at the doctrinal, functional, and administrative.

The gradual alienation of East and West.

For some scholars, the schism's roots go back to the remote historical past, even to the pre-Christian period. 

Thus the dogmatologist Ioannis Karmiris says that it reaches "[...] until the pre-Christian conquest of Greece by the Romans, and the establishment of the first Greek colonies on Italian and French soil", to add " [... ] in the 4th-century transfer under M. Constantine of the capital of the Roman state from Rome to Constantinople".

The geographical distance was one factor in their estrangement: local synods were convened in the East and West, which both the western and eastern Churches ignored.

 The division of the state with the historical adventures of each part contributed to the development of a separate historical life combined with the ethnological differences between them.

The language issue remains fundamental and is getting worse.

From the 4th century, Latin Christian intellectuals no longer read or understand Greek.

  The cultural framework of the development of the two church traditions and, above all, the choice of different solutions to deal with heresies and evil faiths on their part contributed to the gradual differentiation between them.

Thus in the East, the emphasis is placed on matters of the formulation according to the triadological and Christological sects. At the same time, in the West, it emphasizes issues practically related to soteriology and anthropology, such as grace and free choice.

Thus, when we reached the events of 1054, "the conditions were completely lacking to maintain the idea of ecclesiastical ecumenism within the Christian world, which for centuries had been divided both politically and culturally."

2. The danger of a new attempt by the Latins to reconquer the city was actual, primarily when Charles the Great, brother of King Louis IX of France, conquered the territories of Sicily from its Hohenstaufen rulers in 1266.

  In 1267 he managed to extract an agreement from Pope Clement IV whereby Charles would receive lands in the East for military assistance against Constantinople.

To prevent this eventuality, Michael VIII tried to negotiate a union of the churches of Rome and Constantinople in 1274 during the Second Council of Lyons; however, Michael VIII's agreement was not accepted by the people and the Orthodox clergy as with the death of Clement IV, Pope Martin IV took over as pope, who definitively rejected the proposal, considering the Eastern Orthodox Church heretical.

Michael VIII's last effort was the military and financial support he provided to Peter III of Aragon, who claimed Sicily from Charles.

This effort paid off, as with the massacre of all the French in Sicily during the popular uprising of the Sicilian Vespers; Charles was overthrown in 1281, and Petros took over as the new ruler.

Sources - References.

Ivan III of Russia


The Invasion of Poland Wasn't Hitler's First Aggression. Here's Why That Move Marked the Beginning of WWII

Operation Barbarossa

Sergey Lavrov

Russian Revolution

Byzantine Empire

Fall of Constantinople

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