Will 2023 be a year when wars break out? And conflicts around the world?

A girl whose face we do not see on a beautiful beach with fine sand and during the sunset carves in the sand next to the Sea by her fingers the logo year 2023.

Monday, December 19, 2022. The year 2023 is approaching menacingly.

- "The first casualty when war comes is the truth." Philip Snowden, 1864-1937, was a British politician. (forwarding E. D. Morel's book Truth and the War in 1916 – the first recorded appearance of the aphorism).


Humanity has entered a long trial since 1999, and the next few years will be historically significant for the course humanity will take and whether it will survive.

Most countries with the financial ability (even if they have not borrowed it) are equipping war material at a frenzied pace.

- See our previous related article at the end of the article.

To answer the above question of what can be of all that is already happening and what will still happen, we tried to classify the areas likely to become the occasions (not the cause) for a global war conflict. 

We realize that we are already living in a terrifying age of "wars and rumors of wars," and tensions are nearing the boiling point in several global flashpoints of pivotal importance.

If many more major conflicts suddenly broke out in the coming year, we could witness an extended geopolitical instability unmatched in recent history. 

The example of Ukraine reaffirms that wars do not end as quickly as they begin, while at the same time, several other fights could break out at any time.

Here are seven global flashpoints that could explode in 2023:

1. Serbia

Serbia map and Kosovo.

Are you ready for another war in the Balkans? 

Ethnic tensions have risen to their highest level in over two decades, and Serbia's president has called an emergency meeting of the national security council. 

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the National Security Council as tensions rose in Kosovo between authorities and Serbs.

National flag of Kosovo

On Saturday, a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in Serb-majority northern Kosovo, and local police exchanged fire with unidentified groups. Serbs set up barricades after Kosovo police were deployed in a row over car number plates.

Some in the region now believe War is "inevitable," 

and Kosovo is already asking NATO to intervene.

At a press conference in Kosovo's capital Pristina on Sunday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti called on the Kosovo Force (KFOR), a NATO-led international peacekeeping force, to guarantee "freedom of movement" as he accused " criminal gangs" that they blocked roads.

A fragile peace has been maintained in Kosovo since it declared independence from Serbia in 2008 following a 1998-99 war in which NATO intervened.

  Serbia does not recognize the independence of Kosovo.

2. The disputed border between China and India

The disputed border between China and India

On Tuesday, we learned that there was yet another violent clash along the hotly contested border between China and India. 

Soldiers from India and China clashed last week along their disputed border. India's defense minister said on Tuesday the latest outbreak of violence along the disputed border since June 2020, when soldiers from both countries were killed in deadly hand-to-hand combat.

Rajnath Singh, who addressed lawmakers in parliament, said Friday's encounter along the Tawang sector of eastern Arunachal Pradesh state began when Chinese troops "invaded Indian soil" and "unilaterally tried to change the status quo" along the disputed border near the Yangtze.

The Chinese can't seem to stop provoking India, and a full-blown conflict between the two nations could escalate with the slightest mishandling of the crisis.

Hopefully, that won't happen because China and India have nuclear weapons.

3. Taiwan

Political status of Taiwan and History of Taiwan

For a long time, we have been warned by scores of US political leadership, intelligence, and military officials that China will eventually invade Taiwan.

Unfortunately, tensions in the region continue to escalate, and on Tuesday, the Chinese sent more bombers into Taiwan's air defense zone. 

CCTV China warplane

China has sent a record 18 nuclear-capable bombers into Taiwan's air defense zone, Taipei said on Tuesday (December 13, 2022), days after Beijing banned more imports from Taiwan in the latest sign of deteriorating relations.

Democratic Taiwan lives under the constant threat of invasion by China, which sees the self-ruled island as part of its territory that will one day be taken over.

4. Iran.

Iran in world map
A war between Iran and Israel is a historical concern of the world community. 

Of course, the IDF is already regularly striking Iranian-backed forces inside Syria, but we should be thankful that a full-scale war in which missiles will fly back and forth between the two nations has yet to begin.

Dooms day clock just before the World War 3

Unfortunately, we are closer than ever to that point. 

It is reported that Israel is indeed warning that it may bomb the Beirut airport "if it finds that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes."

According to Israeli media reports: 

Israel has warned Lebanon that the Israel Defense Forces could bomb Beirut's airport if it determines that Iran smuggles weapons onto civilian planes destined for the Hezbollah terror group. The alleged arms smuggling was reported by the London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, which cited Israeli sources as saying that Israel had issued the warning.

There will be no restraint when an all-out war between Iran and Israel finally breaks. 

The death and destruction that such a war would cause would shock the entire world, and Iran would throw the global oil trade into complete and utter chaos.

5. Ukraine

Map Russia, Ukraine, Iran

The United States and Russia continue to escalate the terrifying conflict in Ukraine.

Now that Russia is incessantly bombing Ukraine's power grid, the US is choosing to respond by giving Patriot missile systems to the Ukrainians. Pentagon officials are in the final stages of preparing a plan to send a Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine to counter Russian airstrikes, US officials told CBS News, following an initial report by CNN.

The plan has not yet been approved by the Pentagon or the White House, but that could happen soon. 

This represents a significant escalation, and it is also reported that the Biden administration has given the Ukrainian government the green light to carry out drone strikes deep inside Russia.

The Russians are unhappy about dealing with drone strikes deep inside their territory. 

Some prominent Russian voices warn that the US and Russia are coming dangerously close to the unthinkable.

World War 3 is coming soon

Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle officials warned that Ukraine's conflict could become a "full-scale nuclear war." The ominous comments came after the US gave Kyiv the green light to launch drone strikes in Russia.

- "I think the only reason my wife and I decided to have children is the same reason Napoleon invaded Russia: it seemed like a good idea at the time." Bill Cosby, 1937-American comedian.

The Biden administration continues to assure the world that nuclear War risks are extremely low, but the Russians see things differently.

meme with Vladimir Putin and Button for ww3

A source in Putin's circle said:

 "This is playing with fire, risking a full-scale war that could easily go nuclear."

Another added: "Who will now give Moscow the green light for attacks on Ukrainian decision-making centers?"

To remind you that most people never imagined World War I would become as bad as it did.

  And most people never imagined that World War II would result in tens of millions of deaths.

6. Russia

Russia was ready to join (1996) with the NATO, Something the Russian church would not want as it would hand over powers to the western church in Rome and ultimately prevent it.

  The unique opportunity was lost then, once and for all, for a United, democratic, prosperous Europe from the Atlantic to the Sakhalin Islands in the North Pacific Ocean.

De Facto is the world's dominant power, along with the United States, Canada, and Japan.

There would only remain the issue of the ethical management of power and the diffusion of the rule of law, pluralism, and knowledge for the benefit of people and global society.

The United States of America, with military bases, surrounded Russia in 2023.

The USA should have kept even the promises made to Russia to agree to the dissolution of the then-Soviet Union.

And so we got from the pressure to creating a stranglehold around Russia by countries that belong to NATO.

Detailed Map with the expansion of NATO member countries approaching Russia's borders from 1990 to 2019.

And especially with the Warsaw Pact having been dissolved for many years.


The Warsaw Pact (WP) Map.

The Warsaw Pact, officially known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, was a military alliance of a defensive nature between the communist states of 

Central and Eastern Europe.

It was established on May 14, 1955, and a month later, on June 14, by eastern countries signed in it Warsaw, Poland.

The main reason for this pact, as argued by the Soviet Union, considering a possible threat from the NATO alliance, was that five days before the foundation, the inclusion of the "again and intensive military reinforcement" of West Germany into NATO on May 9 of the same year (1955), through the ratification of the Paris Peace Treaties.

The West has accused the organization of using "de facto" as a tool to control countries liberated after World War II by the Soviets and to intervene militarily against any attempts by other states to destabilize politics. 

The hegemony of their Communist Parties.

The Warsaw Pact lasted throughout the Cold War until some member states withdrew in 1989, following the collapse of existing socialism and political changes in the former Soviet Union.

Time travel

Return back to The year 2022.

The continued pressure on Russia.

The pressure on Russia continues in Ukraine and beyond for Russia to agree to strategic neutrality in the coming World War of the West (and beyond) against China.

During the First World War, Russia and America were allies.

During the Second World War, Russia and America were partners.

During the period of the third and last world war coming in 2023, Russia and America will likely be allies again.

The best-case scenario for the West would be for Russia to ally with the West against China in the coming War.

Only time will tell what will happen, and Russia will finally take a position or the new leader (Czar - military) who can take over after the era of the moderate and calm Vladimir Putin's rule.

Russia and China, for years, have transitioned their economy to a war economy emphasizing the manufacture of new weapons.

Young men's reluctance and often refusal to enlist and fight in Ukraine or wherever else the Russian regime asks them to do highlights an existing problem.

And indeed, how to fight without an Internet connection? And free Data?

Another serious challenge is that Russia and the neighboring European Union need to quickly create the numbers that the armies of Europe and Russia had during the Second World War.

And indeed, with a general reluctance of their citizens to fight.

Not even professional military formations can wage total wars! Large scale in the 3D military chaotic field.

So without an army (infantry, air force), 

the War can only continue with Nuclear weapons!

USA, Russia, and China can do it with new conventional weapons we have yet to see from anyone.

- "The secret of international politics is to make a good deal with Russia."

Otto von Bismarck, 1815-1898, was the German chancellor.

Russian troops in exercises shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Winter is the best time for Russia to attack.

And Vodka is the best fuel.

- "Russia has two generals it can trust: Generals January and February." Tsar Nicholas I, 1796-1855, was a Russian ruler. 

If there is no solution in Ukraine soon, Russia will stop on the shores of the Atlantic. 

(West Europe). 

Henry Kissinger

- "Since Peter the Great, Russia has continuously expanded at one Belgium per year." Henry Kissinger, 1923-, American politician.

7. Greece – Turkey

Greece–Turkey relations Map

It is a controversy that dates back to 1054 AD.

 And next year will increase the chances of War between two nations that have been in NATO together since 1954.

And all this because it will have to be defined in the wider Eastern Mediterranean, will share the new rich deposits of natural gas and oil discovered, and how the East Mediterranean countries will manage them.

2023 will be a particularly historic and geopolitically challenging year of borders, alliances, and surprises.

And it is interesting to live in historic times.

Billy Kasis, geopolitical predictions for the year 2023, ww3.

World news for impending world war 3

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Relative article: The year zero 



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