Kyiv directly threatens Russia: "We will hit every target on Russian territory; we will also hit Moscow"!

Crimean Bridge

 Saturday, February 4, 2023. The month it all started. Read what the Ukrainian president's security adviser said.

The war of threats from both sides continues; there is no sign of a de-escalation of the war, but the opposite.

Kyiv is extorting the situation as much as it can so that it can actively and overtly involve NATO in its conflict with Russia.

What would happen if NATO suddenly attacked Russia from Northern Finland to the Black Sea?

How many allies will Russia have in this case?

After the Iranian weapons systems and China, will we see that it is also actively involved?

The First World War Began in Europe.

The Second World War Started again in Europe.

Why should the Third World War not start again in Europe, which has the know-how? Refrain from letting so much knowledge and experience go to waste.

And again, of course, with the same opponents Germany - Russia! Three times!

Cave man

The fourth war may start somewhere other than some caves inhabited by those who lived at the end of the third world war.

From international news networks: As announced today by Fedor Venislavsky, Ukrainian parliament member of the Verkhovna Rada Defense and Security Committee and advisor to Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian forces will strike deep into Russian territory, including Moscow!

Moscow is already installing anti-aircraft systems on tall buildings.

"Ukraine is ready to strike military targets on the territory of Russia, including Moscow," Zelensky's adviser told Germany's Bild.

"Any military point in Russia, including Moscow, where war is being waged against Ukraine, is a legitimate military target. So I don't see any problem not attacking them," he added.

Dmitry Medvedev year 2018

In such a case, Russia will undoubtedly give a stormy response, as reported by the former president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, saying:

"All Ukraine that remains under Kyiv's control will burn."

Medvedev did not mention how this will be done Medvedev did not say, but the nuclear nightmare is again spreading over Europe.

Ukraine currently does not have the weapons that could inflict such deep blows on Russian territory, except for some drones that do not carry a significant weapon load. 

Still, the US announced yesterday the shipment to Ukraine of the rocket GLSDB, which is a combination of SDB GBU-39 bomb as a warhead in the M26 rocket of the MLRS system, with a range of 150 km.

The weapon still needs to be certified on the HIMARS long-range artillery system, but as reported, the US will also provide the necessary launchers.

Will Crimea be the next target and the famous Putin's Bridge?

If Zelensky carries out his threat, not simply a statement aimed at propaganda purposes, the Ukraine conflict may spiral out of control.

Russia may launch its attack when there is severe cold in the region and frost on the ground.

It is well known that polar bears like snow.

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