NATO: A global regulator of geopolitical security


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Thursday, February 16, 2023. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is considering issuing a joint statement with four Asian countries

 According to a report today, it has granted observer status at its next summit amid continued escalating tensions with Russia and China. Publication of the Japanese newspaper Nikkei Asia.

The announcement will be intended to show "solidarity" and, at the same time, "opposition" to Russia and China, an unnamed NATO official explained, according to the Nikkei report.

The Asian-Pacific region's four Atlantic alliance partners are Australia, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand.

The heads of government of the four countries attended the NATO summit last year for the first time.

The Alliance plans to step up cooperation with its partners in the Asia-Pacific region, citing China's "aggressiveness,", especially in the Taiwan Strait, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

The next NATO summit is scheduled to take place in June in Lithuania.

Historical overview and description of the world's largest military organization.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization‎, NATO, is a military defense alliance of Western countries that aims to develop cooperation between member countries in various fields (military, political, economic, social, and educational), promote geopolitical interests, and the prevention of an armed attack against a member country by others.

NATO members and countries share common ideals and political and social forms 

and are the pillar of security for Europe.

NATO map, Member states shown in dark green
Member states shown in dark green

The organization also contributes to the research and development of high-tech defense (and attack) systems in such a way that it leaves a positive academic imprint.

This Alliance was signed in April 1949 in Washington by 12 European and North American countries (Belgium, Great Britain, France, Denmark, USA, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, and Portugal).

In 1952 Greece and Turkey joined the Alliance, and in 1955, West Germany and East Germany were still under the Soviet curtain.

  The latter's accession was caused as a reaction to the conclusion of the Warsaw Pact by the states of Eastern Europe.

Other European countries joined the Alliance in the 1980s, especially from 1999 onwards.

NATO states map 2023

NATO has thirty members, mainly in Europe and North America. However, some of these countries also have territory on multiple continents, which can be covered only as far south as the Tropic of Cancer in the Atlantic Ocean, which defines NATO's "area of responsibility" under Article 6 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

 During the original treaty negotiations, the United States insisted that colonies such as the Belgian Congo be excluded from the treaty.

 French Algeria was, however, covered until its independence on July 3, 1962.

 Twelve of these thirty are original members who joined in 1949, while the other eighteen joined in one of eight enlargement rounds.

Few members spend more than two percent of their gross domestic product on defense, with the United States accounting for three-quarters of NATO defense spending.

NATO is trying to include also Sweden and Finland, which borders Russia.

Currently, Georgia, Armenia, and Israel would like to join NATO.

  Today, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has 30 member countries.

The highest body of the Alliance is the North Atlantic Council, based in Brussels, Belgium.

It is the main body and is represented by the ministers of foreign affairs and the defense of the member states. 

It meets twice a year, while a permanent group is its executive body and meets weekly.

The Secretary-General chairs the council (the first secretary was elected the English Lord Ismay in 1952, who even then mockingly remarked that "the purpose of NATO is to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

Once every two years, the NATO summit is held, in which the Heads of Member States (presidents and prime ministers) participate.

  Another supreme organ of NATO is the Military Committee (Military Committee), which consists of the Chiefs of Army General Staff of all member states and meets twice a year. 

At the same time, a permanent group is the executive body of the Military Committee and meets every week.

NATO now plays a vital role in international geopolitical developments.

Desert, of course, of some states that react to its ever-increasing expansion in areas and countries that are vital for them.

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