Russia is fighting back

Putin speech 21 Feb 2023.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

Russian missile strikes reportedly destroyed at least ten front-line military aircraft.

A video showing the aftermath of Russian missiles that left a Ukrainian airbase in ruins and destroyed several Ukrainian military aircraft is going viral on the internet.

The video, which appeared on February 16, 2023, showed the outcome of the missile attack on a Ukrainian Air Force military airport.

According to reports, the military base, home to several fighter jets, was effectively destroyed in a single round of missile strikes.

  A fighter jet can be seen in the footage upside down, possibly from the shock waves caused by the explosions.

In the video, several fighter jets, including a MiG-29, can be seen in a damaged state. In addition, Russian missile strikes reportedly destroyed at least ten front-line military aircraft.

  Most aircraft cannot be restored, but the air base could be rebuilt for future use even without fighter aircraft.

  Based on the destruction visible in the video, the surrounding infrastructure, including the ammunition storage facility, has also been destroyed.

Russia is winning so far.

1. It is gaining valuable time to prepare its public opinion for the third world war, which some few but compelling people have decided for many years.

2. For a year now that the war has been going on, Russia has begun to find out who inside this vast country would even sell their mother for money (and specifically for dollars).

3. Russia has begun the process and acceleration of productive nutritional sufficiency, which will only benefit its people since the valuable foreign exchange will not go abroad but will also reduce unemployment positions.

4. Russia, in this one year, clearly and publicly saw which states were her friends and which she thought they were.

The West has drawn a red line, believing that we don't all fit on this planet, or at least if it will allow it, to isolate Russia worse than North Korea.

5. Russia is a living example of resistance to countries and people who cannot and do not want to understand how they live and act in the West.

If Russia falls, it's China's turn immediately. In the West, they want to apply the model of the dissolution of Yugoslavia to Russia (and then to China).

6. As long as Soviet Russia existed, workers in the West had more prestige in negotiations, claims, and struggles. However, the collapse of existing socialism brought the workers in the West discredit and full and unlimited exploitation since there was no rival awe.

7. Russia has not fought wars of aggression but knows how to end a battle when it decides to. The Bear is heavy, oversized, and cumbersome, but you would never want to be around it when it gets angry.

8. Russia was a European country with a significant advantage in reaching the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. It was and remained the big mistake of those who draw up policies and decisions in so-called Europe not to proceed with a federation from Spain to Sakhalin, with a standard political system and currency.

You will tell me that it seems like a romantic dream, and I will answer, the nightmare we are living in now and in the previous centuries was better?

9. Russia is the Religious Continuator and holds the keys of the Orthodox Church based in - temporarily - conquered by the Ottomans Constantinople.

People often make mistakes, and people forget, but God never.

10. If Russia did not exist, we would have to invent it for reasons of world balance.

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