USA There are supporters of starting World War III, Now!
Thursday, March 16, 2023. US Senator Lindsey Graham has supported starting World War III by calling for downing Russian warplanes in the Black Sea.
Moscow's response was immediate.
"A deliberate attack on a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace would be an open declaration of war against the largest nuclear power that could lead to a nuclear holocaust," Russian ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov warned on Wednesday, according to Tass.
"The appeals of some legislators go far beyond common sense," he said, commenting on the threats of US Senator Lindsey Graham.
"A deliberate attack on a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace is not just a crime under international law, but an open declaration of war against the largest nuclear power. An armed conflict between Russia and the United States would radically differ from a proxy war. The Americans are fighting from a distance against us in Ukraine," Antonov warned and continued:
-Is Capitol Hill willing to put American citizens and the international community at risk of full-scale nuclear war?
-Could you give us an answer, honorable senator?
It is not the Russian pilots who are to blame, but the American politicians who are instigating the start of a conflict that will lead to an Apocalypse.
We are not seeking a conflict with nuclear power.
We continue to liaise with the Ministry of Defence to prevent inadvertent incidents. However, I wish US politicians had the same attitude towards relations with Russia."
"As for the senator mentioned above (s.s. Graham), this is by no means the infamous congressman's first attempt to cause a dangerous escalation in US-Russia relations.
A year ago, he urged our citizens to make an assassination attempt against the president of Russia. Does Senator Graham believe that a direct military conflict with Russia is in the best interest of the constituents who trusted him with their lives and livelihoods?" concluded the Russian ambassador.
See Graham's statements:
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