The Ukrainians released the video of the launch of the NEPTUNE missiles that sank the Moskva.


Neptune cruise missiles

A video of the launch of two Neptune cruise missiles that are said to have hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet flagship Moskva has been circulating on social media.

 For the past few hours without confirmation.

1. R-360 Neptune is a Ukrainian subsonic anti-ship cruise missile with all-weather capabilities developed by the Luch Design Bureau.

R-360 Neptune transport without crane

R-360 Neptune transport without a crane

Neptune's design is based on the Soviet Kh-35 subsonic anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range, targeting, and electronics equipment.

The system required a single missile to defeat surface warships and transport vessels with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons, either in convoys or moving individually.

R-360 Neptune Mineral-U radar

R-360 Neptune Mineral-U radar

2. The first training missile division entered service with the Ukrainian Navy in March 2021.

On 3 April 2022, Ukrainian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces had damaged the Russian frigate Admiral Essen during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russian frigate Admiral Essen

Russian frigate Admiral Essen

 Later, Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, clarified that a Neptune missile had hit Admiral Essen

The Russians did not comment on the claim, and the ship continued its mission as usual.

On 13 April 2022, Ukrainian sources claimed the Russian cruiser Moskva was hit by two Neptune missiles, resulting in a fire and subsequent explosion of a shipboard ammunition store.

 The Russian Ministry of Defense stated, without discussing the cause, that a fire had caused munitions to explode, and the crew had been fully evacuated.

 [ In the late hours of 13 April 2022, Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych reported Moskva was on fire, and Odesa governor Maksym Marchenko said their forces hit Moskva with two R-360 Neptune anti-ship missiles.

 A radar image showed the ship was about 80 nautical miles (150 km) south of Odesa around 7 p.m. local time (GMT+3), shortly after the damage occurred.

 Two reports indicated the ship sank before 3 a.m., 14 April. 

The Russian Ministry of Defence said a fire caused a munitions explosion, and the ship sank in stormy seas while being towed to port.

 Moskva is the largest warship to be sunk in combat since the ARA General Belgrano in the 1982 Falklands War and the most famous Russian warship to be dropped since World War II. ]


Russia reported the vessel as still being afloat later in the day of the fire. Still, Russian state media reported that she had sunk in inclement weather while being towed.

According to Thomas Shugart, a former U.S. Navy submarine commander, Slava-class cruisers like Moskva have been typically "known for their offensive punch, not for their defensive systems or their damage control."

 Moskva is one of the two largest warships to be sunk in combat since World War II, being of very similar size to ARA General Belgrano, sunk during the Falklands War.

 Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov cited the successful use of the Neptune system to sink the warship as giving confidence to Ukraine's allies that more weapon supplies to Ukraine would be worth it.

A land attack variant is being designed and is close to completion. 

According to a Ukrainian official: "Ukraine is working on modifying Neptune missile to strike land targets… First, a new guiding/homing system is required, but Ukrainians are working on that; once we get that, Neptune can hit targets 360 km (about 225 miles) away; We are close.

In the media, at the time of the sinking of the Russian ship, there were reports that Western forces were behind the successful shot and accurate guidance on the target.

Since that day, the Russian Navy has been trying to modernize its surface units, but also its submarines since its weakness in the means of fire defense of its fleet were tragically recognized.

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