Russia: Moscow prepares public opinion for World war

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 Friday, June 23, 2023. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told a conference in London on Wednesday to discuss the reconstruction of Ukraine that "it is clear that Russia must pay for the destruction it has caused."

In the show "Evenings with Vladimir Solovyov" on the Russia 1 channel, attacks on Western capitals are often discussed, and the guests and the presenter present the full picture of the war in Ukraine as a proxy war between NATO and Moscow.

In the show's second part, Mikhail Deluyanin, a member of the Russian parliament, expressed his opinion on the relationship between Russia and the West.

"As long as London is not destroyed and exists as one of the world's financial centers, even a secondary one... this corpse-like poison is a danger," he said on June 15, 2023.

 He then added, "We're going to bury them." Deliagin did not directly mention the missile attacks, and his comments were part of a broader discussion of the war in the context of Russia's historical relationship with the West, in which he also said that "capitalism ends', suggesting that his criticism was of London as a financial center.

Ukrainian Home Affairs adviser Anton Gerashenko tweeted a sensational tweet:

 "Watch out, London! Russian propagandists threaten to 'bury' the City of London business district."

The UK has been actively supporting Ukraine with equipment such as Challenger 2 tanks and Storm Shadow missiles and training Ukrainian troops.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told a conference in London on Wednesday discussing the reconstruction of Ukraine that "it is clear that Russia must pay for the destruction it has caused."

The Russian lawmaker's rhetoric on the show is about Russia's nuclear capabilities while describing the West, generally and at times the Ukrainian president in particular, as "satanic."

This does not necessarily reflect Kremlin thinking, although presenters are regularly given a list of topics to discuss.

Soyolov last week called for nuclear weapons against NATO countries whose equipment and training aid Ukraine's war effort.

He also said Russia's use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian conflict was "inevitable."

"Such weapons should be used at crossings over the Dnieper River and at entry points for rail traffic from Western arms supplying countries. The Pentagon also announced that it overestimated the value of the weapons it sent to Ukraine over the past two years by $6.2 billion," he said.

Russia is likely threatening to attack Western personnel based in Ukraine and Europe.

The well-known American Colonel Douglas McGregor, a former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, spoke on his YouTube blog about the scenario of a US-Russia war break in light of the massive military aid that Washington has given to Kyiv.

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