Russia's Intensive Preparations for a world war ( Video ).

Monday, June 12, 2023. After almost a year and a half since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which was named by Russia a "special operation," all possibilities are open.

At the beginning of this war special operation, Vladimir Putin mentioned in the famous initial video that any external intervention from the West in favor of Ukraine would be hit immediately and mercilessly!

But after a year, we have seen a beginning but steady deployment of Russian military forces to the Southwest.

But mainly the partial tolerance of Russia to the direct and overt intervention and support of the West with many billions of dollars, weapons, and personnel.

For his own reasons, Putin did not react to the support by bombing the neighboring countries that supply Ukraine with weapons systems (as he initially hinted), but perhaps the next significant upgrade of support and also the rumors of NATO intervention in Ukraine lead to the worst, that is, the review of Kremlin policy;

"Violence has a habit of begetting Violence" Sophocles Antigone.

Putin will soon give NATO an "ultimatum" regarding its aid to Ukraine. 

Will it be realistic, definitive, or like the previous one?

Russian President Vladimir Putin will threaten North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states with strikes for their support for Ukraine, Russia Today (RT) Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan predicted.

Simonyan said in a new interview that she believes Putin will soon give NATO an "ultimatum" on its aid to Ukraine, adding that the West giving free arms to the warring country "constitutes a participant in the war."

"One morning, we will wake up and find that last night Vladimir Putin issued an ultimatum, saying that if F-16s taking off from the airports of these countries continue to strike Russian soil - if such weapons continue to be provided, that are transported from the ports of those countries, then we will consider those airports and those ports to be legitimate war targets," Simonian said.

Simonyan added that Russia also has the right to declare, without an ultimatum, that NATO countries are legitimate targets. But she doubts that Putin would go that route, saying she "sees no other option" for how the dispute over Ukrainian aid could end.

The video of Simonyan's remarks was translated and posted on Twitter by Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, on Saturday morning. Simonyan's RT and other Russian state media have toed mainly the Kremlin's line on the Russia-Ukraine war after the State Duma cracked down on dissent.

 Simonyan and other figures on Russian state television have made headlines for past threats against Ukraine and the West. Last April, the editor-in-chief of RT expressed the idea of the "Total Destruction" of Ukraine and "a nuclear strike."

Her comments come as the international community grapples with recent strikes that reportedly occurred inside Russian borders. Russian authorities said last month that multiple uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) had attacked Moscow, blaming Ukraine despite Ukrainian authorities denying responsibility.

At the same time and in the same area, the Germans were fighting with their allies to occupy Moscow! History repeats itself. People without memory are people without a future!

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverley recently told reporters that Ukraine "has the right to project power beyond its borders to undermine Russia's ability to project power within Ukraine itself."

 His comments prompted a backlash from Russia, with former president Dmitry Medvedev saying British officials were now a "legitimate military target" for Russia.

The United States, however, has said it will not tolerate strikes inside Russian borders.

Russia, as well as the West, is in great need of precious time.

Only time and History are the judges and shapers of the future.  



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