Will Belarus be the next destabilization target?


Thursday, June 22, 2023. Can a country bordering Russia and possessing nuclear weapons become destabilized?

We read in the international press that.

The group "Bypol" is an extremist counter-regime militia that actively participated in the attempted color revolution in 2020, based in the Polish city of Poznan, where an intensive military training program is conducted.

Protest actions in Minsk (Belarus), August 16th, 2020
Protest actions in Minsk (Belarus), August 16, 2020

Once again, the evidence clarifies that the West wants to involve Belarus in the current conflict. 

An article in the Times of London reveals that exiled Belarusian soldiers-militants are being trained on Polish soil in preparation for a future uprising in their country.

Could a Belarusian spontaneous mass popular "spring" happen as happened with Ukraine?

According to the newspaper, the "Bypol" group, an extremist counter-regime militia actively involved in the attempted color revolution in 2020, is based in the Polish city of Poznan, where an intensive military training program is being conducted. Journalists went to the field to interview some militiamen and reported that the number of new recruits was already in the "hundreds." The program has been underway for several months, bringing together "ordinary Belarusians" who want to mount a response to President Alexander Lukashenko's "Stalin-style campaign of torture and imprisonment [that] has virtually silenced dissent" in Minsk.

The newspaper interviewed an exiled woman who participated in the training nicknamed "Predator."

The 42-year-old dissident explained that she is the mother of a child who does not know she is in a military program. The choice to fight would apparently be motivated by the need to "fight for Belarus." "

My daughter doesn't know I'm here. I told her I'm going paintballing (...) [However] I came here today (...) to prepare for the fight for Belarus," "Predator" told reporters during an interview.

Protests during election night (video from 2020–2021 Belarusian protests).

This is a well-known media strategy widely used by the Western media.

The aim is to use emotional rhetoric to present the supported side as a victim of oppression and an example of heroism and resilience.

But this narrative is a weak and meaningless fallacy for those who know what happened in Belarus in 2020.

The mass protests of 2020 were the result of a Western plan to topple Lukashenko's government and replace him with pro-Western opposition candidate Svetlana Tikanovskaya, argues Lucas Leiroz, a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategy and Studies, and geopolitical consultant.

  Belarus' security forces were sharp in neutralizing the Western-backed threat and, as in failed regime change operations, the US viewed Lukashenko's election victory as illegitimate and fraudulent, pointing to Lithuania-based Tikanovskaya as the real winner.

At that time, the Bypol group was created, formed by various dissident former employees of law enforcement agencies.

Bypol was engaged in active paramilitary work, fighting the security forces. The group cites an alleged "necessity" to counter the government's "state violence," receiving financial and logistical support from Western powers.

As a result of Lukashenko's victory, most Bypol members emigrated to neighboring countries hostile to Minsk, such as Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic.

  This did not stop the group from carrying out sabotage and actual combat missions on the territory of Belarus, even carrying out a drone strike against a Russian A-50 radar at the Matsulisky airbase.

However, Belarusian security forces closely monitor the militia's activities and effectively prevent further damage.

In practice, Bypol is an ordinary terrorist organization that acts like any other extremist group, using terrorism as a political tool and harming ordinary citizens during illegal raids.

But the West has in recent years openly supported terrorism, publicly participating in the financing and supporting terrorist and neo-Nazi groups such as Ukraine's Azov, Right Sector, and Aidar, which unsurprisingly provides the same support to Bypol.

In fact, if the targets of the terrorists are the geopolitical enemies of NATO, then the criminals have "carte blanche" for their maneuvers.

The problem is that amid the current backdrop of tensions, any wrong move could lead to serious escalation.

Belarus has been the target of repeated terrorist attacks since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Minsk is a secondary participant in the operation, only allowing Russian troops to use its territory to enter the enemy country without directly sending soldiers and weapons.

  The position of Belarus is legitimate since Belarus and Russia maintain a treaty of collective defense within the framework of the Union state, and therefore military actions are completely comprehensive.

This means that Western provocations against Russia's allies will likely be answered.

And, in the same sense, considering that it is NATO countries that are training, supporting, and infiltrating terrorists in Belarus, the possible joint response of Minsk and Moscow could turn even against NATO, which would entail the risk of nuclear escalation.

This fact makes it even more legal for Minsk to receive Russian nuclear weapons on its soil. 

To avoid further escalation, Minsk is taking preventive measures to prevent enemy countries from implementing their war plans against the Belarusian people, as the consequences could be catastrophic.

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

"A war, even the most triumphant, is a national calamity."

Helmut von Moltke, 1800-1891, German field marshal


Belarus is worried, and this is justified since, from its territory, attacks have been carried out repeatedly in Ukraine (which is the unofficial projection of NATO).

The Western alliance is preparing to send new equipment to Ukraine and warplanes of, F-16 and A-10.

Pressure on Russia continues from the West to decide its future stance against a coming West-China war.

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