Poland. Will it again be the cause to start a new world war? Update

Poland map in Europe 1939
Poland map in Europe 1935-1939. Sunday, July 2, 2023.

History. The "small" winners of the First World War, Italy, and Japan, initially sided with the Anglo-French hoping that their post-war geopolitical gains would be recognized. 

Still, these did not materialize because both countries were looking for their own " vital space" in the Mediterranean and the Pacific, strongly controlled by the British and Americans.

As for Russia, which was now the cradle of the Soviets and had experienced Anglo-French attempts to stop its revolution, first by military intervention and later by an attempt to assassinate Lenin, it felt the need to secure its influence in neighboring Countries.

In fact, in 1920 - 1921, he was involved in a war with Poland.

World War II and Poland.

Beginning of the war (1939-1940).

September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland.

In the early hours of September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland.

  The German Army, applying new and innovative tactics that included the combined action of aviation, armored and motorized forces, surprised the Poles and occupied the country quickly.

This tactic became known as the "Lightning War" (Blitzkrieg).

Blitzkrieg Poland 1940
Tanks and mechanized infantry of the 24th Panzer Division advanced through Ukraine in June 1942, typifying fast-moving combined arms forces of classic blitzkrieg.

On September 17, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east and occupied the rest of the country (according to the secret protocol of the German-Soviet pact).

Warsaw was bombarded relentlessly by the Luftwaffe and German artillery.

Royal Castle in Warsaw after the German bombing of the city in September 1939.
Royal Castle in Warsaw after the German bombing of the city in September 1939.

  It finally surrendered on September 27, while on October 8, large areas of the country were annexed to the German Third Reich.

  A few days later, the General Government was formed.

  Despite the stubborn defense of its army and local successes, Poland had been occupied and dismembered.

England and France were forced to declare war on Germany without mobilizing all their forces for full involvement.

There followed a period known as the "Drôle de Guerre" (Drôle de Guerre) because some belligerents still did not participate in a general war against Germany despite the declaration of war.

  From September 3, 1939 (Declaration of War by Great Britain on Germany) until May 10, 1940 (The beginning of the German offensive on the Western Front), minimal ground or air hostilities occurred.

There is only mobility in naval operations. The German Army reorganized on the Western Front and concentrated most of its strength there.

Map baltic states

On November 30, the USSR declared war on Finland after refusing to accept Soviet troops such as those stationed in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

The Finns put up strong resistance and inflicted heavy losses on the Soviets ( The Winter War)

  The war officially ended with the Treaty of Moscow on March 13, 1940, with the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) receiving significant territorial gains.

Today – History

April 4, 2023.

Finland officially became a member of NATO, completing a historic policy shift launched after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Finland became a member of NATO

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto completed the accession process by handing over an official document to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Finland's entry into the North Atlantic Alliance has been described as a setback for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had been vocal about his opposition to NATO expansion even before the invasion of Ukraine.

It is noted that, with the accession of Finland, Russia's border with NATO will now be twice as long.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke of a "historic day" for NATO. "I'm tempted to say that maybe that's the only thing we can thank Russian President Putin for because he caused something that he clearly wanted to prevent," he said as he attended a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. "Russia's aggression has made many countries believe that they need to do more for their defense and ensure they can deter potential Russian aggression in the future," he added.

"This is truly a historic moment for the AllianceAlliance, for the Transatlantic Community, but also for the global community that strongly defends the basic principles of the UN Charter and the security and stability of peace. This is truly a historic day because today we welcome Finland to the AllianceAlliance," he added.

Finland joins NATO: Moscow Warns of "Countermeasures"

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu argues that Finland's accession to NATO increases the likelihood of escalating the conflict in Ukraine.

The Kremlin warned today that it would take "countermeasures" after Finland joins NATO. At the same time, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu underlined that the development raises the possibility of further escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the NATO expansion, long criticized by Moscow, was a "violation of our security and an infringement on Russian national interests" and that Moscow would closely monitor any deployment of NATO troops in Finland.

Russia and Finland share a 1,300 km border, and Moscow has already signaled its intention to bolster its military units based in the west and north-west.

Shoigu, during a meeting, informed the Russian military leadership that Finland's accession "causes risks of a significant expansion of the conflict" in Ukraine, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

However, according to the Russian minister, this will not affect the outcome of the "special military operation" in Ukraine, according to the designation given by Russia.

Belarusian military personnel have begun training in Russia in the use of "tactical" nuclear weapons, Moscow and Minsk said today, as the Kremlin recently announced the deployment of such weapons to Belarus.

"An operational Iskander-M tactical missile system was delivered to the Belarusian armed forces. It can use conventional missiles and nuclear ones," Shoigu said.

"Since April 3, Belarusian personnel are being trained in the use of [...] at a Russian training center," he added during a meeting.

On March 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would "regularly" deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus, causing concern in Kyiv and the West.

According to Putin, ten planes have already been equipped in Belarus for such tactical nuclear weapons, and a special depot will be completed by July 1, 2023.

Last week, however, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said he was ready to host Russian strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.

The Poland Today.

Poland wants to join NATO's Nuclear Sharing program about Russia's deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told a press conference after Friday's EU summit in Brussels.

This statement comes just a few months after Poland decided to build the largest Army in Europe, and it will now allocate staggering sums as it now goes for spending that will reach 5% of GDP.

 At the same time, the professional Army alone will keep 350,000 under arms. !

This means that the annual expenses for operating costs and equipment will reach 35-40 billion euros, which with the growth rate of the Polish economy, may reach 50 billion a year.

Poland's military transition is astounding:

- Military spending as % of GDP:

2.4% in 2022

4% in 2023

Maybe 5% by 2024 (~$40 billion)

- Personnel: from 110K to 250K professional soldiers

- Ordered equipment: $85 billion!

HIMARS: 10 billion dollars

18 HIMARS rocket launchers

Five hundred automatic missile mounting kits.

Nine thousand guided missiles, including 45 ATACMS tactical missiles (with a range of more than 300 km.

366 M1 Abrams USA Tanks: $6 billion.

1000 Korean K2 Black Panther tanks, more than 18 billion,

32 F-35 jet USA fighters: $4.5 billion

Patriot missiles by the USA cost about $20 billion.

The first two systems purchased in 2018 cost $5 billion. 

Recently, Poland requested six more systems.

96 Apache attack helicopters: $13 billion.

Over 600 K9 Thunder AC self-propelled howitzers, according to the framework agreement:

$2.5 billion for the first 212

(Total cost: about ~7.5 billion USD).

48 Golden Eagle T-50: 3 billion dollars

Swordfish frigate
The latest visualization of the Swordfish frigate. The position of the RBS15 Mk3 missile launcher has been changed, and the helipad has been lengthened. (Babcock International picture)

Poland is building three new generation Miecznik frigates (7000 tons): 1.5 billion USD

Additional 48 AHS Krab self-propelled howitzers and 36 accompanying vehicles from local weapons manufacturer Huta Stalowa Wola: $800 million

Next week, Poland will sign a contract for the purchase of 1000 Borsuk ("Badger") amphibious infantry fighting vehicles manufactured by Huta Stalowa Wola, a division of the PGZ (Polish Armed Group), for about 10 billion USD.

About 100 billion dollars in total!

At the same time, all kinds of rearmament programs are already running, such as important contracts for the supply of military equipment, mainly with the United States and South Korea at the height of up to 85 billion US dollars, while with the announced orders next week, it will reach 100 billion dollars.

Among those signed with the United States are those for the supply of 32 F-35 fighter jets, 366 Abrams tanks (the 116 used ones already started arriving), 96 Apache attack helicopters and Patriot anti-missile systems, and those with South Korea for the supply of 1,000 Hyundai Rotem K2 tanks, approximately 700 Hanwha Defense K9A1 self-propelled guns, 48 FA-50 fighter jets and 288 K239 multiple rocket launcher systems.

Warsaw has also signed a contract with Turkey to supply Bayraktar drones.


Poland once again claims the role of the spark for the start of the 3rd World War.

Europe, which has the know-how, since the First World War and the Second World War started there, will take advantage of the opportunity to create the Third World War.

Why should all this know-how be "lost"?

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