Even Hungary is warning of the coming start of the Third World War.

Hungary is warning of the coming start of the Third World War
Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

The voices warning about the possibility of a sudden start of a third World War and, indeed, with thermonuclear weapons increasing daily.

But this is minimal about the general indifference of people worldwide who continue their lives carefree as if they do not want to see at the bottom of the tunnel the train approaching with brakes and broken brakes on top of them.

The West experienced a long period of peace and development, taking advantage of scientific research and progress in all fields and, at the same time, exploiting the natural resources of the third world.

Technology has developed so much that a few years ago, it would have been unimaginable to imagine all we have, but this is only the surface.

Underneath, societies are in a violent process of change. 

Still, again, I would like to emphasize the unimaginable apathy and passive treatment of all these changes that drastically change the lives of all of us.


The world has never been so close to the possibility of a local war becoming a World War. The probability of this is increasing day by day."

Hungarian President Orban criticized the West and accused Ukraine's allies of promoting a conflict due to economic interests.

This is what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in an interview with the American Fox News network, during which he criticized the West, especially the US, for not understanding how Eastern Europe works.

Editorial note: The US knows and does what is best for its interests; in international relations between states, there are no friendships, only interests.

Viktor Orbán - Hungary's longest-serving prime minister - knows Russia well (he grew up under their occupation and was arrested by Russian-backed police for his efforts to liberate the country) and Ukraine.

"It's not just a misunderstanding; it's a lie," Orban begins when asked why the US media claims that "Ukraine is winning" the war.

He suggests that the Joe Biden administration misunderstands Russia and that trying to remove Putin could lead to dangerous instability. 

"Understanding the Russians is difficult, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia."

The difference between Russia and the West

Orban points out that Western political talks often focus on freedom. In contrast, Russian discussions concentrate on keeping the country together and warn of the dangerous implications of the US strategy, particularly for countries like Hungary that are geographically closer to the conflict.

Don't get the Russians wrong. They won't hit Putin and throw him out; it's a joke."

Ukraine is a member of the European Union but is a permanent opposition voice in favor of Russia but, in the end, votes as the Brussels board decides.

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