Ukrainian air force ready for the battle of Crimea.

Crimea war map

Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Advanced and equipped with Western missiles and new electronics, Ukrainian Air Force fighter jets have moved to

 Airfields near Zaporizhia, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the "We are with Russia" movement and a member of the central council of the regional administration, told Russian media.

The primary spring attack on Ukraine against the Russian army includes western weapons, western tanks, sophisticated medium and long-range anti-aircraft systems, and new western warplanes such as the expected F/A-18 Hornet that Finland, which borders Russia, has offered to send!

The West can NOT wait any longer, its ammunition is running out, and production dynamics are at pre-war levels.

It's now or never.

The whole of NATO is preparing and will not make the mistake of Hitler (starting on Sunday, June 22, 1941), who began in June and was overtaken by the devastating winter for the troops.

"Zelensky's regime has started repositioning aircraft in the direction of Zaporizhzhia," he said, a prelude to a possible Ukrainian counterattack in the wider Bakhmut area, where 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers are trapped.

German settlement colonies 1942 Ukraine

Plan of new German settlement colonies (marked with dots and diamonds), drawn up by the Friedrich Wilhelm University Institute of Agriculture in Berlin, 1942

A while ago, it became known that Russian fighter jets were flying over Donetsk, moving south.

Map: The geopolitical disposition of Europe in 1941.
Map: The geopolitical disposition of Europe in 1941
Immediately before the start of Operation Barbarossa by Germans and Adolf Hitler and his Allies.
 The grey area represents Nazi Germany, its allies, and countries under its control.
History repeats itself as a farce.

The Western sanctions succeeded in the end was high inflation and bank failures.

The West wants a war with Russia, and it wants it now!

According to Rogov, we are talking about Soviet fighters and helicopters, which were unofficially transferred to Ukraine from the countries of the former Warsaw Pact and those withdrawn by the Americans from Afghanistan.

Even the Pope of Rome is preparing to resign, as he is rumored to have said, "I don't want to be the Pope of World War III."

China will not be left out; it is the next in line!

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