Sweden, which other country? Will it join NATO?

Sweden, which other country? Will it join NATO?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023. After the accession of Sweden, the Western Alliance, under the leadership of the United States of America, acquired a new and powerful dynamic.

The Swedish defense industry is a war power multiplier that gives NATO a global regulator role.

On the one hand, we have all the Western states, which express their own beliefs, and have their own standards of life and living, and on the other hand, the totalitarian regimes like Russia and China, which the West does not know and does not care to know their own beliefs about human life and freedom of speech.

A simple example is me, it would be impossible to write such articles in such a country, and I am not referring to North Korea; there, I would have been executed by firing squad from the title alone!


Sweden has opposed Russian designs as a neutral state and completely changed its stance after Moscow invaded Crimea in 2014.

It is known that the USA-NATO is eager to have Sweden join the Alliance no later than July 11-12, 2023, when the North Atlantic Treaty Summit will be held in Lithuania, "squeezing" Putin even more after the recent entry of Finland.

Sweden's bid to join NATO is under threat, as Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan recently said the failure of Swedish authorities to prevent the Koran-burning incident has raised questions about Sweden's credibility for possible NATO membership.

For his part, ErdoÄŸan strongly objects to the Scandinavian country's entry into NATO, alleging that it supports executives of the terrorist organization PKK and FETO.

Also, the Turkish President is eager for the US to sell him 40 F-16 BLOCK-70 and 79 modernization kits, to strengthen his country's air force.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Sweden abandoned its longstanding policy of military engagement and set its sights on formal ratification at the NATO summit on July 11–12.

 However, Turkey and Hungary have prevented ratification, despite strong support from other members, including the United States.

Hungary's foreign minister said on July 4 that he spoke with his Turkish counterpart about ratifying Sweden's NATO membership and that if Turkey's position changes, Hungary will not postpone the process.

Turkey, however, remains reluctant due to its reservations.

Sweden comes with a huge military force.

Despite its impeccable record of military neutrality, Sweden is a military power.

  Since Sweden submitted its application to join the NATO alliance, experts have stressed that the country is "armed and ready to fight" any country that threatens its security.

In addition to fighter jets that will greatly enhance NATO's collective air power against a formidable enemy in Europe, the Swedish Army is also considered a modern fighting force. 

It has over 121 tanks, 14,088 combat vehicles, and 48 self-propelled artillery vehicles.

Although the combat readiness figures may differ from the actual numbers, they would greatly add to the strength of NATO.

Our Video from September 21, 2021!

The Swedish Navy, although not very large in terms of numbers, has the basic capability of having modern submarines, including the diesel-powered Gotland-class submarines, the first in the world to have a Stirling engine (air-independent propulsion AIP ) system, which was previously only available on nuclear submarines.

In addition to the Gotland, the Blekinge-class submarine is the next generation of submarines under construction. In addition to submarines, the Swedish navy has seven corvettes and 298 patrol vessels, according to the Global Firepower Review.

The list includes RBS 70 MANPADS, CV90 infantry fighting vehicles (Stridsfordon 90 in Sweden), Leopard 2 tanks (Stridsvagn 122 in Sweden), and Archer 155mm self-propelled howitzers. Ukraine has deployed these systems with considerable combat success, further demonstrating the capability of Swedish weapons.

Military Industry of Sweden

Considering that the country has strong defense companies, including Saab, BAE Systems, and its subsidiary, Bofors. Saab is a Swedish aerospace company that manufactures Gripen fighter jets, one of the best fourth-generation fighter jets in the world today.

On the other hand, the Swedish company BAE Systems Hägglunds is an expert in creating and improving vehicle systems for military and commercial use. These include armored personnel carriers, armored engineer vehicles, and combat vehicles.

What differentiates the Swedish war machine is not quantity but quality and reliability.

Finally, with its invasion (justified or not, the future historian will explain it to us after many years), Russia increased its membership in NATO by two (Finland and Sweden).

What remains to be seen next?

The simultaneous entry into NATO of Georgia and Armenia?

And don't listen, this is impossible; if I had asked 10 years ago if Sweden and Finland would have become members of NATO, it would have seemed like science fiction!

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